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Winter Guest Training & Preparation

Guest Training & Preparation

It’s best to start your physical conditioning routine six to eight weeks before your powder holiday. Cardiovascular training should include the equivalent of running at least three miles (five kilometres) per workout. Incorporate some muscular conditioning into your workout, focusing on abdominal and core stability and the hip/groin area.

Cross-country skiing, stair-climbers, interval training, swimming and other aerobic activities are also helpful. If you have experienced knee problems in the past, consult a medical professional about how you can best prepare for deep snow manoeuvres.

Ability & Fitness Level

Backcountry skiing is often physically demanding – finding a lost ski or recovering from a fall can be an exhausting experience. But with a few simple preparations you can ensure that you’re ready to make the most of your powder experience. One or two weeks before your backcountry skiing holiday, put in some full days at your nearest ski resort. It’s also a good idea to spend a few days warming up at one of our local ski resorts, such as Whitewater, Red Mountain or Revelstoke, for a taste of the terrain and snow you’re likely to experience at Retallack.

Be sure to stretch each morning before you join the snowcat, and every evening after you return to the lodge. Sign up with our massage therapist to work out any remaining kinks. You’ll ski or board better and reduce the likelihood of injury. Also, a good hot wax job (not on your groin or chest) the day before makes skiing or boarding in powder a lot easier and more enjoyable – you don’t get as tired when your skis or board aren’t sticky.